Concerning Cancer and Plato’s Science of Human Survival

Concerning Cancer and Plato’s Science of Human Survival

Scientists are telling us that we should cease polluting the oceans with garbage or face catastrophic penalties. Over two thousand years in the past Plato, utilizing geometrical logic, was nicely forward of that downside. He changed fanatical aggressive spiritual emotion with an evolving moral emotive arithmetic belonging to his axiom that “All is Geometry”. His instructional system was particularly designed to achieve non secular scientific entry to infinity moderately that getting any illusory deity’s permission to take action.

Plato’s atomic ‘Science for Moral Ends’ was outlined in his ‘The Republic’ to information an ennobling system of authorities for the well being of the universe. That idea was far higher than stopping the air pollution of the oceans. Its particular goal was, that by turning into an integral emotional half of common wellbeing, civilization wouldn’t change into extinct. Plato was advocating a medical resolution to the issue of tribal compulsion to evolve by creating weaponry. His life’s work is now thought of to be the essential foundation for the moral workings of an infinite dwelling holographic universe.

Plato’s mathematical logic about infinity didn’t want permission to grasp its nature by being subservient to warring gods. He constructed a spiritually moral scientific map in an effort to achieve understanding in regards to the nature of infinity, to switch the compulsion driving tribes to kill one another. Nonetheless, Plato’s human survival science’s mathematical logic couldn’t presumably change into practical till the organic necessity for tribal science to wage wars of survival grew to become an observable type of a psychological cancerous dysfunction.

When DNA revealed that people belong to a single species harming itself, tribal science was recognized as a type of most cancers in 1972. The founding father of the American Nationwide Cancer Analysis Basis the Nobel Laureate in Drugs, Szent-Gyorgyi, referred to this most cancers as being inherited from our Neolithic ancestors.

Many most cancers researchers now argue that most cancers, being distinctive to organic programs, is a necessary half of the evolution of tribal science however not essentially half of the evolution of species. Tribal science is related to the sexual compulsion to destroy life in obedience to the ‘kill or be killed’ survival of the fittest paradigm noticed in nature. Male dominance to impregnate females needing offspring finest suited to guard the tribe from different predators led to the evolution of human mind by the event of weaponry.

The transformation of tribal science to at least one that can work for all members of the human species is now a medical downside requiring antidote data. Such data is available however has been incorrectly categorized by tribal medical science as belonging to out of date junk DNA. This very important non-junk data will be present in human survival communication and data gadgets not too long ago found all through your complete size of DNA itself.

Plato’s analysis was destined to change into the idea of an atomic science belonging to the workings of a holographic universe. It warned of a far higher menace to civilization than throwing bodily garbage into the ocean. Plato referred to a harmful ‘evil’ belonging to the properties of unformed matter inside the bodily atom. His analysis led to a human survival map to observe in order that civilization may keep away from extinction from creating a science resulting in the emergence of this nuclear destruction from inside the atom.

Plato used the results of the magnetic properties of lodestone upon human emotional thought, to assemble his non secular human electromagnetic survival compass. He argued that illusory inventive, aesthetical, pleasurable pleasure unfold the seeds of tribal battle and required a non secular moral knowledge as an antidote to such demonizing of primitive, tribal, inventive emotion. He very clearly identified the electromagnetic path related to future human survival. It began with the chaos of unformed matter inside the darkish abyss transferring ahead to create gentle and matter.

The European House Company’s Planck Observatory, which mapped the existence of the oldest gentle within the universe, revealed that it was asymmetrical in nature. Subsequently, Plato’s electromagnetic human survival path was one which began from nuclear chaos and moved towards the creation of asymmetrical gentle. In 1957 the New York Library of Science revealed the e-book “Babylonian Mythology and Trendy Science”, stating that Einstein derived his principle of relativity from the mythological, mathematical intuitions belonging to Babylonian tradition.

Einstein’s quantum mechanistic tribal worldview required bodily actuality to belong to a state of symmetrical steadiness. His observer participant theories related to the character of symmetrical gentle as an alternative of asymmetrical gentle merely headed backwards from human survival to the chaos of unformed matter.

Einstein, being locked into Babylonian tribal science had each proper to understand sure facets of Babylonian arithmetic as belonging to nice genius. Nonetheless, Babylonian understanding of the character of infinity was ruled by warring gods and goddesses that forbade any mathematical entry to infinity. This concern of infinity is made clear written on baked clay Babylonian tablets recording the mythological battle that adopted when one of the gods bestowed immortality to a keeper on the Ark through the Nice Flood. One other pill exists exhibiting mathematical deceit was purposely embedded into the Babylonian authorized system to enslave the populace to a warlike sexual violence. That legality grew to become embedded into the functioning of international tribal science.

The Sumerian tradition measured time as a seven day week with days of twenty 4 hours and every hour of sixty minute length, along with path being measured from a circle containing 300 sixty levels. These mathematical ideas had been destined to someday change into an integral side of deep house exploration.

The Babylonian tradition developed the extra historic astrological Sumerian arithmetic in an effort to predict eclipses. A clay pill written by a Babylonian priest to the King exists. It advises him of the forthcoming 673BC Lunar eclipse, which the gods demanded was for use to terrorize the populace. The folks had been thereby to be animated right into a sexual frenzy to wage warfare by the worship of their goddess of prostitution and warfare, Ishtar. This was required by ‘the gods’ in an effort to broaden the boundaries of the Kingdom.

Einstein’s tribal science logic led towards the chaos related to unformed matter inside the darkish abyss. His quantum mechanics and each different side of his tribal sciences had been ruled by the Second Regulation of Thermodynamics, which states that inevitably all power turns into unavailable to help life as chaos steadily will increase, inflicting all life within the universe to change into extinct. Einstein may by no means have identified that through the twenty first Century quantum biology most cancers researchers would uncover that wholesome dwelling data flowed in the wrong way to the energies of chaos.

Because the most cancers researcher Szent-Gyorgyi has insisted, wholesome dwelling data entangled itself with the energies of chaos in an effort to evolve common consciousness. He wrote that the trigger of most cancers was an incorrect understanding related to the Second Regulation of Thermodynamics.

The mathematician Georg Cantor has been acclaimed to be the best mathematician in historical past in addition to probably the most despised one. He agreed with Szent-Gyorgyi’s remark that trendy science’s understanding of the Second Regulation of Thermodynamics carried a psychological carcinogenic dysfunction. He categorized this dysfunction as “a myopic concern of infinity inhabiting the fashionable scientific thoughts”. His ‘pagan’ heresy attacked the salaried safety of each scientist employed by Christian College scientific analysis departments all through the Western instructional system. Cantor was pushed to his deathbed as a result of these influential Christian scientists created incorrect mathematical theorems ridiculing his now accepted mathematical description of infinite actuality.

Isaac Newton believed that Plato’s evolving, infinite universe was scientifically genuine. In his revealed twenty eighth Question Discussions he wrote that the primary trigger of gravitational drive was actually not created by the mass of objects in house however by a non secular drive in accordance with historic Greek science. Though accused of being insane for this felony heresy his earlier writings that the church had been theologically incorrect means that he was nicely conscious of what he had written. His nervous breakdown might nicely have been led to by the menace of being burnt alive for publishing that heresy.

We do know for sure that the Christian Church incorrectly promoted the false declare that Leonardo da Vinci was a genius grasp of the Nice Italian Renaissance. The educating of Plato’s human survival atomic instructional system, banished by the Emperor Justinian within the sixth Century, had moved to Toledo in Spain to later change into the idea of Islam’s Scientific Golden Age. Sultan Memhed II later offered the Medici Students in Italy with the related scholarly manuscripts belonging to Plato’s Academy, to be reinstated in Florence through the fifteenth Century.

Plato’s schooling system of an ennobling political science to nullify the menace of unformed matter bringing about nuclear destruction was express. It consisted of arithmetic, aircraft geometry, strong geometry, astronomy, and harmonics. As soon as these had been mastered then the coed may proceed to philosophical analysis. Plato argued that aircraft geometry should not be studied for its sensible makes use of however for coaching the thoughts in non secular arithmetic. He let arithmetic change into the primary of the themes of schooling, after which analysis into its related science was to change into the coed’s concern related to a future moral, atomic science.

Leonardo da Vinci, because the Chief Army Engineer of the Pope’s Military was employed by a Christian tribal cult engaged upon waging wars of conquest on behalf of its spiritual religion. He wrote an announcement that fully divorced his tribal scientific genius from Plato’s human survival idea of moral science. From his revealed Notebooks, Leonardo had written “The primary object of the painter is to make a flat aircraft seem as a physique in aid and projecting from that aircraft… “, he incorrectly claimed that the flat aircraft of a portray floor may by no means comprise a real 3D picture.

Throughout the twentieth Century the artist Salvador Dali, accustomed to Plato’s scientific worldview was satisfied that work may comprise essential invisible, stereoscopic 3D photographs. His well-known 3D artwork exhibition, now on present on the Dali Stereoscopic Museum in Spain proved indisputably that Leonardo was not appropriate in arguing in any other case. Though it suited the aim of the Church to assert that he was a grasp of the Renaissance, this was actually not the case.

Australian Science-Artwork researchers in partnership with the Australian Sustainability Analysis Institute, Italian quantum organic most cancers researchers and Quantum Artwork Worldwide introduced this significant human survival data to the general public, together with work presenting far clearer 3D photographs than Dali had pioneered. By viewing the work by 3D, asymmetrical, electromagnetic, stereoscopic glasses a lot clearer interlocking planes grew to become seen with out the technical tools used to pioneer Dali’s evolving medical phenomenon. Leonardo da Vinci had no understanding by any means that the flat aircraft of a portray’s floor may comprise the non secular human survival data that Plato had predicted.

Throughout 2016 such human survival principle, together with the visible proof, was introduced to the Worldwide Modern Artwork Competitors held below the auspices of the World Fund for Arts in Moscow through the Russian Artwork Week. After being awarded a First Prize that group instigated a related Science-Artwork Analysis Mission in 2017, in affiliation with the Quantum Artwork Group Worldwide Motion and main Italian quantum biology most cancers researchers. 

Many outstanding scientists through the twentieth Century claimed that Plato’s analysis laid the foundations for modifying the prevailing mechanistic worldview in an effort to perceive the working of a holographic universe. The Journal of Neurophysiology, established in 1938, publishes articles on the perform of the nervous system. Throughout the twenty first Century it revealed about experimental, holographic proof that’s related to Szent-Gyorgyi’s most cancers analysis. That proof was about dwelling 3D optical data interacting with Einstein’s extinction processes to evolve common consciousness. This line of analysis opened new avenues for mapping holographic exercise, inside the mind, related to the significance of evolutionary principle for understanding most cancers.

One paper particularly, entitled ‘Human Cortical Exercise Correlates with Stereoscopic Depth Notion’ is essential. The paper offers indeniable proof that neuron exercise inside the outer layer of the evolving mind’s cerebrum responded to stereoscopic magnetic stimulation by exhibiting two symmetrical geometrical planes of 3D data, interlocking to carry a few state of asymmetrical data, demonstrating the existence of psychophysical reasoning past the parameters of prevailing tribal scientific logic. Leonardo’s conviction that aircraft geometry couldn’t comprise true 3D imagery has been proven to be false by electromagnetic medical most cancers analysis in addition to by work proving he was not half of Plato’s futuristic instructional system.

Immanuel Kant, the founding father the electromagnetic ‘Golden Age of Danish Science’, agreed that Plato’s concern that demonized aesthetical, inventive pleasure wanted to be balanced by a non secular, inventive knowledge. He wrote that this knowledge was in actual fact an asymmetrical electromagnetic, non secular discipline evolving inside the inventive, inventive thoughts.

This transition of dysfunctional tribal data to fragments of 3D human survival science comprehension, should clearly be making a critical international medical downside. Epidemiologists appointed by governments to be chargeable for such epidemics have categorized the 3D dysfunctional data as a worldwide epidemic transmitted by the mass manufacturing of dysfunctional communication and data gadgets. Being subservient to tribal science dictates that they haven’t any antidote for the social injury it’s inflicting. Nonetheless, the character of the antidote has been found by creating Szent-Gyorgyi’s most cancers analysis, wherein the energies of harmful chaos entangle with wholesome data to evolve common consciousness.

A excessive decision image exists of the geometrical form that the human cell adopts previous to forming its divisional course of to create reproduction cells. It’s clearly an infinite fractal expression present process an electromagnetic perform related to the dividing course of. Epidemiologists on the lookout for an antidote to the worldwide 3D disinformation epidemic realized that Cantor’s infinite arithmetic should one way or the other be concerned. They referred to the dividing course of as one obeying some type of Cantorian ‘sensibility’. David Hilbert is acknowledged as one of probably the most influential mathematicians of the nineteenth and twentieth Centuries. He was one of the few scientists who agreed that Cantor’s arithmetic was a bridge to the understanding of the character of infinity.

Hilbert and Einstein labored collectively on the variations between symmetrical bodily actuality and electromagnetic organic actuality. The primary distinction was that mechanistic, symmetrical, electromagnetic fields rotate in the wrong way to dwelling asymmetrical fields. Kant had recognized the latter as belonging to Plato’s seek for an moral, non secular, electromagnetic discipline evolving inside the inventive, inventive thoughts.

Einstein, together with the epidemiologists had been locked right into a bodily, symmetrical world-view. As a consequence Einstein misplaced curiosity in Hilbert’s analysis. Einstein’s view of the bodily construction of quantum mechanics embraced a symmetrical idea of actuality. He was unable to affiliate this actuality being entangled with Kant and Hilbert’s non secular, asymmetrical, electromagnetic discipline belonging to the evolution of wholesome inventive knowledge, related to infinite consciousness.

From the excessive decision image of wholesome cell division it grew to become apparent that when poised to divide, the cell generated an electromagnetic discipline that merely prevented the dysfunctional data from being transmitted to its reproduction cell. The switch of the carcinogenic data at a later stage of mobile improvement is a medical downside requiring antidote data encoded into what, as beforehand talked about, has been incorrectly categorized as junk DNA.

Each tribal science and human survival antidote science are half of human evolution, to allow them to be entangled collectively inside a pc program in an effort to generate a balanced medical human survival analysis. All that’s required is for this system to be managed by related indeniable human survival scientific directions to acquire the human survival blueprint.

A related laptop medical analysis will be programmed to emulate the results of dopamine, a compound within the physique controlling human feelings inflicting compulsive behaviour. At junctions inside the nervous system dopamine can construct as much as create overpowering electromagnetic cravings, continually governing varied facets of a dysfunctional character. A easy low powered medical system exists, which may emit a sign that enables the thoughts to free itself from the overwhelming emotional ‘lust’ compulsion, bringing in regards to the capability to rationalize over self harming moderately {that a} compulsion to inflict hurt upon others.

A quote from George Bernard Shaw “Two p.c of the folks assume; three p.c of the folks assume they assume; and ninety-five p.c of the folks would moderately die than assume.” will be thought of to be related relating to the truth that so referred to as geniuses, who assume they’ll assume, are literally being ruled by the emotive tribal genius of only a few folks.

The shrewd, intuitive, emotional ingenuity of world leaders is extraordinarily invaluable. If a pc medical evaluation offering the balancing antidote to unscrupulous Plutocratic tribal wishes is obtained, then it could additionally embrace data giving them entry to moral wealth and energy far past their tribal mindset’s means to think about. It’s as much as the three p.c of the individuals who assume they assume, to supply rock strong proof supporting human survival inside the working of a holographic universe in an effort to carry Plato’s Science for Moral Ends into existence. As soon as that’s carried out then world leaders can start to entertain dialogue regarding an moral antidote ethos, now that science has come to grasp the workings of the holographic universe that we inhabit. They’ll modify Rene Descates’ tribal axiom “I believe, due to this fact I’m” to learn “We really feel and assume, due to this fact we’re”.

Bertrand Russell, identified for his emotional allegiance to Babylonian mathematical tradition, in 1903 wrote his most well-known essay entitled ‘A Free Man’s Worship’ advocating that civilization should worship the Second Regulation of Thermodynamics that Einstein insisted should govern all of the sciences.

The Russell-Einstein Manifesto proclaimed on the ninth of July, 1955, was in regards to the risks of nuclear weapons improvement and referred to as for world leaders to hunt peaceable resolutions to worldwide battle. This well-known manifesto was not definitely worth the paper it was written on, because the prevailing North Korean nuclear disaster demonstrates. Plato’s science supposed to stop nuclear destruction attributable to the emergence of unformed matter from inside the atom, now warrants an important investigation in regards to the upgrading of tribal science right into a science succesful of producing the human survival blueprint.

The Australian 2017 Nobel Peace Prize Group, working with the United Nations Safety Council relating to the necessity to nullify the menace of Nuclear weapon proliferation, absolutely warrants enter from scientists who perceive the essential functioning of the holographic universe. By collaborating with world leaders about implementing Plato’s Science for Moral Ends as a medical antidote to keep away from nuclear destruction, scientists will be seen as honourung the best accountability related to their scientific professions.